Saturday, 28 January 2012

A New Year, A New Skill ~ Photography Workshop For Parents ~ South Wales

What a start to the New Year! Saturday 21st January saw the 3rd workshop take place at the Cwrt Bleddyn Hotel and Spa.

Our day started by sharing stories of photography, finding a little bit about everyone on the workshop and realising we all had lots of things in common. The atmosphere was relaxed, the venue was perfect, we were lucky with the weather and we had some little cuties to photograph at the end of the session. I really can't think of a better way to have spent a Saturday morning.

Our group included an expectant Mummy-to-be, Mummies, Daddies, a Grandma and a photography enthusiast ~ all wanting to improve their photography in some way, shape or form. It was a great mix of people as everyone had something a little different to add and I feel really pleased that everyone enjoyed their day and left feeling inspired / wanting to capture their memories and start getting creative with their camera.

Class of January 2012

The workshop has been designed to make you think about photography a little differently, to explain the things that often confuse people, give you confidence in planning your own photo shoot at home and to allow you to have time taking photographs with the new skills you have acquired.

As this workshop was shortly after Christmas, a few of the attendees had been bought a gift voucher for the workshop so I was intrigued to find what they thought about receiving a voucher for a workshop like this. Here's what Peter said:

"I received a gift voucher to the workshop as a Christmas present. I was really looking forward to getting hints and tips from a professional photographer making a living from photography as opposed to a lecturer in a classroom. I am pleased to say the workshop didn’t disappoint! The content of the workshop was easy to understand, well delivered and contained as much technical detail as was necessary for everyone to understand. The workshop met my expectations as far as “camera craft” was concerned but exceeded my expectations when it came to tips about composition, how to arrange your subject, useful props and backdrops etc. I’ve walked away understanding much more about how to arrange a subject within a photograph to (hopefully) achieve far more professional images that capture the feeling and the moment. I would highly recommend this workshop and hope that Sarah runs a “part 2” at a later date – I’d be keen to attend."

So with Valentines Day / Mother's Day / Father's Day not far away - this type of photography gift would be perfect for anyone interested in improving their camera skills. Gift vouchers are available.

The next workshop will be taking place on Saturday 24th March 2012.

Photography Workshop at Cwrt Bleddyn Hotel & Spa

A very belated post on one of 2011's photography workshops - but I couldn't resist sharing some of the beautiful images we were able to capture during the workshop.

With no fancy equipment or jargon, attendees were given tips and advice on how to improve their photography by looking at composition, planning your own photo shoot and lots little gems to get the best out of your little one in a fun, more relaxed manner.

Following a morning exploring camera settings, the meaning of exposure and getting to grips with moving away from auto - all these new found skills were put into action with a 'real' photo shoot to practise and seek further advice / guidance.

It was a wonderful day, with a great group of people and a perfect family to photograph. Thank you to all that took part, good luck with your photography and I look forward to seeing you again in the future.

The next workshop will be taking place on Saturday 24th March 2012 - so if you know anyone who would be interested in this type of workshop - let them know! Or, even better - gift vouchers are available.

A great day was had by all and I must apologise again for hogging all those wonderful cookies!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Photography Workshops For Parents ~ New Dates Available

So, you received a wonderful new camera for Christmas or you've had one tucked away because you can't quite figure it out?

You want to take better pictures but don't have the confidence to move the settings off auto? If this sounds like you then maybe the upcoming photography workshops designed for parents to take better pictures of their children maybe just what you're looking for.

These beginners photography workshops designed to get you started taking better pictures AND to give you the foundation to continue to develop your skills later.

What you will learn and take away from the workshop:

- Moving away from Auto
- Top Tips for Taking Better Pictures of Your Children
- Introduction to Exposure and what it means
- Shutter Speed
- Aperture Priority
- Exposure
- Lens Overview
- Finding the light
- Composition and backgrounds
- How to set up your camera for the best results
- Great websites to get creative with your images

Whatever your skill level, capturing those precious family memories with often unwilling participants is not always as easy! You can now receive expert advice and ask any questions you have with this access all areas pass to Sarah Stone Photography.

So, if you or anyone you know is interested in attending the next workshop – here is the information:

WHERE: Cwrt Bleddyn Hotel and Spa, Monmouthshire, South Wales, NP15 1PG.
DATES: Sat 24th March, Sat 26th May, Sat 14th July, Sat 8th September, Sat 17th November 2012
TIMES: From 9:30am to 1:00pm
PRICE &WHAT’S INCLUDED:This 3.5hr group class is £75 per person. Price includes light refreshments, a workbook to take away, a goody bag which includes offers and ‘Rock Your Shots’ mug, 2 weeks email support following the workshop and a photo shoot at the end of the workshop with a ‘real’ family / subject.
- Your camera (either a digital SLR or point-and-shoot )
- Your camera’s manual
These workshops make a perfect gift for someone who has a new camera or enjoys taking pictures of their children. Gift Vouchers available.

To book your place, email